Empire Of The Senseless

94: Longing for her Reflection, Le Sigh



‘I think when you walk in; I might just need a minute. Is that so fare, that you’d be so easy about taking my moments. Be careful boy, my moments are precious to me. Be careful what you steal without noticing. Be careful. I’m only tough on the outside. Shhh. Don’t tell any of these fucks, okay? I’m hiding. Most of them aren’t anything like it seems. Why don’t your words match your eyes? They smack me across my baby cheeks and stumble back like I’ve just killed their child. What do you see in bathroom mirror? I never stop antagonizing confusion. It’s why mostly I must hide my girlish gaze. It’s too sweet, too cute; doesn’t match the devil inside. I don’t stop. I never know when to stop. Do dare meet what you see? If you saw a completely different living thing than the flesh you knew you were standing in, would you engage in conversation? If it were another way of seeing everything you thought you knew to be true, would you challenge your own preconceived notions? Would you want to know why she chose to stare a