Parrish The Thought

Episode 137: Jason Christensen | Scolded at the top of Mt. Kilamanjaro



My guest today is Jason Christensen, one of Security Home Mortgage’s finest lenders and recent disciple of Mt. Kilamanjaro the tallest mountain in Africa. We talk of the preparation and spiritual journey that was going to Africa and leaving it all on the mountain, getting scolded by the guides…and all with his kid in tow. #MtKilamanjaro #Toto #Africa #HikingKilamanjaro #Kilamanjaro #SecurityHomeMortgageLehi #MountainsAreSacred #AboveTheClouds #20,000Feet #HikingWithMySon #AltitudeSickness #OxygenDeprivation #ScoldedOnKilamanjaro