Chats With Susan Burrell

The Abundant Life



EP# 231 - A Solo Episode with Susan Burrell exploring The Abundant Life We are half-way through 2023. Can you believe it?  And the overall theme this year for Empowering Chats has been “BE-Expansive.” And we have done all sorts of deep dives into energy, nurturing, being playful and experiencing beauty, just to name a few. For the month of June, we will be plunging into The Abundant Life.  What might that look like for you? I think many times when we hear the word “Abundant” the first images or thoughts that come to mind have to do with money or financial security.  And if we don’t have that then it must mean that we are broke. You all know me well enough by now that I like to look up words in the dictionary. And so here goes. The definition for "abundant" reads in part as follows: An extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply. It’s overflowing fullness and or affluence.  So, none of that really said anything about money it just said plentiful, quantity, fullness and overflowing. That to me fee