Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #068 Mark Shean



Riding Shotgun With Charlie #068 Mark Shean  Instructor & Author   I got a message last summer from an FB friend in New Jersey, John Petrolino, who said he just finished editing a book of gun laws from an instructor in Massachusetts.  He sent me Mark Shean’s info and we had a nice quick conversation. I read Mark’s book before we set up the interview.    Mark started shooting at 7 with his siblings.  He joined the NRA Junior Rifle Team and has his photo in the book they published. But back then they didn’t use eye or ear protection. He’s had ringing ears since then.    He works for a nuclear power plant and the nuclear security officers couldn’t be trained by civilians. He took a week long class on patrol rifle and handgun with plans to be able to train with the police and nuclear security officers, who are considered part of Homeland Security. He also earned several other NRA instructor qualifications.    At 15, Mark’s son wanted to get his firearm identification card (FID), but they couldn’t find instruc