Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #049 David Rosenthal



RSWC #049 David “Rosey” Rosenthal Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners   I got to meet David “Rosey” Rosenthal at the NJSAFECON back in 2017.  I was a speaker on a panel with Tony Simon, Anthony Colandro, & Maj Toure. After the conference, I went for dinner with Tony and some others.  One of the people I got to meet was Rosey.   I’d heard him a number of times on Gun For Hire Radio Podcast a number of times. It was a lot of fun talking with him and everyone else. I knew then that I needed to interview him on the stagecoach.   I met Rosey at Harold’s New York Deli in Edison, NJ. We had a HUGE roast beef sandwich. (You’ll see it in the show)  After lunch, we headed out in the stagecoach.   Rosey shared stories about buying a brick of .22 ammo for $3.99 (plus tax) and achieving Distinguished Expert in Muzzleloader when he was young. We talk about the start of the CNJFO (Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners) and the fundraising events they host.  We also talk about how we got our children into shooting an