Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #047 Steve Merrette



Riding Shotgun With Charlie #047 Steve Merrette Florida Carry   Its the 5th Tuesday of the month and I'm putting out an extra RSWC episode!   RSWC #047 Steve Merrette https://youtu.be/ib06CNc7j1w   You never know when you'll find a new friend or a new guest. When I attended the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Tampa in 2016, I had no idea what kind of ride I was about to go on. At this event, I met many of my firearms 'idols', all the cool "rock stars" of the gun community.  This trip I got to meet so many great people. Steve Merrette was one of them.  He & his wife sat behind me for the conference.  We became friend on Facebook and started following each other.  Steve was one of the people that I wanted to hand out with and get to know better on the Florida Carry trip in February 2019.  Of course, he wanted to come Riding Shotgun! He spends time covering his military experience and handling firearms. He got out of it while his kids were young.  He does have a DUI in his past in New York state, which