Washed Up Emo

#154 - Ian MacKaye



A few months ago, I asked a couple of prior podcast guests Brian Lowit from Lovitt Records and now Dischord Records and John Davis from Q and Not U, if they thought an in-person interview could happen. Through their help and a little timing of a personal wedding in DC set this plan in motion.  As this podcast gets into its 8th year with no signs of slowing down, I thought it was time to have the person partly responsible for why I first got into straightedge, punk, hardcore, and the DIY ethos I continue to carry through during my day job in the music industry at large.  Ian couldn’t have been more gracious and after some back and forth and a nice Delta airlines agent, I was there with enough time to do the interview and make the wedding later that day.  I never expected to have the opportunity to talk to one of my heroes in this setting and for Ian to spent a couple of hours showing me around the Dischord house, the archives and then an interview will be remembered forever.   Washed Up Emo is a partner of the