Geek Herring

Geek Girl in the News: Phillip Schofield and Target Make Bad Choices



Geek Girl in the News looks at the awesome or not so awesome news that will make you go either: "YAY" or "OMG I can't believe that." The latest and greatest geek girl news from May 2023 covers the Phillip Schofield scandal, Target caving into hate groups, the terrifying reality of abuse female gamers face, a look into the PlayStation showcase, a whole bunch of The Little Mermaid hype, why we still think Emma Watson is the freaking best, and the weirdest but most awesome update coming to Dead By Daylight.We'd love your take! Let us know in the comments of wherever you see this episode!In this episode of Geek Girl in the News, we covered these news stories: Elderly couple wins at Wii Bowling tournament in wholesome gaming moment Phillip Schofield admits he lied about relationship with junior colleague Target is Caving to Hate Groups By Burying Its Pride Collection Half of British female gamers experience abuse when playing online PlayStation Showcase: Spider-Man 2 leads PS5’s 2023 games lineup The Little Mermai