Coffee & Change

Episode 124: The Art & Science Of Change with Tim Creasey, Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci



Tim Creasey is the Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci, the research-based organziation focused solely on change management. Tim is a change expert, researcher and author who focuses on achieving change success with and through people. His work forms the world’s largest body of knowledge in change management. Tim's role as Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci means bringing new perspective and understanding to the world of change management. Tim has built a career that’s steeped in a foundation of unparalleled insight from the challenges and trends to a vision for the future. Using his economics background, Tim brings a data-rich, analytic perspective to give organizations powerful, actionable insights into change success. Speaking to audiences around the globe, Tim is authentic, knowledgeable and unassumingly funny, creating memorable experiences that leave his audiences prepared, energized and ready to bring about positive change. Learn more about Tim and Prosci at Enjoy the conversat