The Sonya Looney Show

How to Be a Better Communicator



I'll let you in on a secret: communication is not just about talking and using words. It's about listening. Yes, the foundation of communication is being a good listener. As a health and wellness coach, I've received formal training in communication, plus recording over 350 hours of podcasts has been a master class in listening and communication. In today’s solo deep dive, I will share strategies and actionable practices to help you become a better listener, approach conflicts with a new mindset, and ultimately, improve your relationships through the power of mindful communication. Struggle with small talk? Stick around and I’ll share some tips to spark conversation in any setting. Throughout the episode, we'll draw upon insights from various books on parenting, relationships, and communication, such as nonviolent communication and growth mindset talk. I'll also share my own personal experiences and observations, shedding light on the practical application of these concepts. So, are you ready to superchar