Science Faction Podcast

Episode 456: Sitting Around the Digital Campfire



This episode contains: Everyone is back this week! Steven continues his Star Wars rewatch. Ben has issues with Steven telling his he listens to sad music. Devon chimes in on the music chat. We decide to make some playlists to share with our Patrons.  Unlimited Power: Scientists Successfully Transmit Space-Based Solar Power to Earth for the First Time. Caltech conducted a power transfer experiment using the Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment, or MAPLE. They beamed solar power from space to Pasadena. Gotta start somewhere.  You Did It, You Blew it Up, You Maniacs!: They plugged GPT-4 into Minecraft—and unearthed new potential for AI. ChatGPT generates objectives to help an agent explore Minecraft and improve the bots skill over time. We use this as a jumping off point for exploring different uses for ChatGPT in our lives.