Hills Review

Hills Review -- June 2023 Edition



It's Monday, June 5th, 2023 and welcome to the June edition of Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. On Tuesday, Savannah Fine talks with her father Zac Fine–a voiceover artist who has lent his voice to everything from commercials and trailers, to live events like Minecraft's Minecon Live and Shark Week. They'll discuss what it's like to bring life to some of the most iconic brands and characters in pop culture. Almost everyone would love to be able to travel throughout time. On Wednesday, Jalen Griffiths, John Rosloniec and Justin Roberts find out what members of High School East would do with such a super power. On Thursday, join Mason Kappel, Michael Ragusa, Jack Zaremsky, and Cole Manus as they discuss Gary Paulsen's survival and adventure novel – Hatchet. Should teens be able to make all of their own decisions? On Friday, Saul Adum looks at reasons why kids in high school should have a larger degree of autonomy. Hills Review is produced by members of the Podcasting and Filmmaking Cl