The Melissa Ambrosini Show

516: Melissa's Lab Results Revealed & Prepping for Baby #2 | Dr Stephen Cabral



This episode kicks off with some big news that’s extremely close to my heart: I'm getting ready to start making Baby #2 a reality!As soon as Nick and I made the decision that we were ready for another baby, our first port of call was Dr Stephen Cabral, my most trusted health adviser and mentor. His sage advice and comprehensive testing were instrumental in helping us get pregnant last time, so it was a no-brainer to call on his expertise again as we embark on this journey for a second time.The first thing Stephen did was recommend 5 specific lab tests to evaluate my body's readiness for conception.And in this extremely insightful (and deeply personal) episode, he’s going through the results of my labs live on the show.Listen in as we walk you through each of the tests – explaining why they're so important, how to optimize your results, and, of course, revealing the findings from my own labs (and how the results have shifted since I last did these tests).We also dive into the protocols and health hacks that ca