Earp Fiction Addiction Podcast

6 Short Shorts



It's here! We've made it to the halfway point of the season, so it's time to drop our shorts! Short fics, that is. DW, Dresa, and FicRecJen present six brief stories for your enjoyment, and then chat with author DanaCas1101 about hers! Read the fics! I’ll Come Runnin' by GoldenWaffles  Whiskey Soaked and a Little Reckless by danacas1101 As Long As You Want It to Be by Spoowriterfic  Spray Foam by Bucklethorpe  Taco Salad by TallGingerUnicorn Don’t Start Something You Can’t Finish by ddamaged and wayhaught_is_my_therapy This Week's Reverse Sponsor is: Make Your Piece! Episode transcript by lahlahs