Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Q&A Check in No.104



Questions and time stamps below. Time; 4:40 What are the signs you need to put your foot on the brake, take a step back and reevaluate your approach to work? Time; 12:17 Best way to be honest when client isn't on it with their nutrition Time; 15:47 I don't work at the gym I PT out of so i'm only around the gym floor when coaching clients or training myself. Should my marketing approach be different because of this? Time; 17:13 Price points for existing clients moving online Time; 21:55 Would you give clients a set day they have to complete a check in or would you recommend this be by a set time? For example, they receive a link with the check in attached on a Saturday morning and they must have submitted this by 8am Monday; or they have to complete their check in on Friday each week Time; 25:15 More seriously: I take in clients anytime, but I'd like to introduce "launches" to drive people to action. But I don't want to lie about it and pretend I'm only a