Liquid Church

You Can’t Make Everyone Happy | Been There Part 2



Every single person reading this has let someone else down. You’ve failed to live up to others expectations. And you’re worried about what others think of you. But, if Jesus were here, He would tell you that if you are doing right by everybody, you are doing it wrong. It’s not possible to make everyone happy.  And there is so much freedom in that realization. It’s so much better than the prison of constant worry of wondering who you offended, who you let down, who you need to talk to, who you need to give more attention to. Did my boss think I did a good job this week? My friend came over to my house, did they think it was clean enough? I haven’t called my mom in a few days, I wonder if she’s mad at me? I met a new client at work, I wonder if they were impressed with me? That is exhausting. So how do we break free from this? How do we move on from this fear that drives our lives? Set your sights on Jesus. Focus on being His servant. Be who He tells you to be. Set that as your goal, and everything else will wo