David Hathaway

The Power of Revival to change nations / 1 Timothy Bible Study (Part 6)



Wherever I go, people talk about revival. But I’ve seen real powerful Holy Ghost revival - in Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine - it was a revival that changed society! An advisor to the government said on state TV that only the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ saved those soviet countries from chaos when communism collapsed. My father was converted in the Welsh Revival. He said when that revival came, it so changed the society, there was. no crime. It is recorded one magistrate sat in court for a whole week, but there was not one case of crime to be judged. No drunkenness, no theft, nothing! That’s when God changes a nation! Look at the preaching of John and Charles Wesley. It changed the nation, changed the character. This brings us back to 1 Timothy 2:1 - “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for all those in authority…” Why? Verse 4, “Because God our Saviour wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth.” Oh th