Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Heidi Stride Hardy Mother Smiling Survivor S4 E20



My name is Heidi Stride Hardy mother of Alexandre Baron who brought an entire community to its knees and opened our eyes to the need for connection when he became an angel by his own volition in October 2019. Our community knew us well and no one saw it coming so our families pain became the fulcrum point that tipped the scales into realizing suicide and mental affliction is a reality for every family, not just the un-conforming, or not so caring ones. These thoughts exist behind a smile and good behaviour too, we have just been too busy surviving to see beyond the book cover. Since that dreaded day Light 4 Change was formed, a community group of laymen and professionals alike, each one of us doing our part to let others know it is OK to feel, to heal, and to be authentically connected to those around you. I was diagnosed with complex PTSD after slipping into a nervous and mental breakdown while trying to learn how to live without my son growing each day in front of my eyes. Realizing that therapy was very ex