Breaking Bread Podcast

Letting Go of Control



God has knit into our frame the capacity to have dominion. At some level, it comes from being an image bearer of his. Yet, it comes as no surprise, that after the fall, our capacity to have dominion has been bent. For the worse. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter and Kaleb Beyer address the tendency we have towards taking unhealthy control of situations. Wonderfully, letting go of control is possible, and who teaches it better than the Lord of Lords and King of Kings ~ Jesus. Show notes: I might have an unhealthy relationship with control if: I have an excessive need to be in-charge. I am slow to give responsibility to others. I am irritated when my plans are not followed. I ignore the boundaries of others. I don’t trust others. I think too highly of my opinions. I am impatient with others. I work better alone than with people. My desire for control might be fueled by the following reasons: Insecurity – my grasping for control soothes the discomfort I have in myself. Identity – my grasping for