Press X

PX22 - Anime and Arms, Anime and Cut Scenes



We're a video games podcast aren't we? Maybe? It depends on the day I guess? This week we have a plateful of anime-themed gaming for your tastebuds. First up we have the release of the rarest thing in gaming - a new Nintendo franchise - with a slightly surreal punch-'em-up called Arms. After that we launch into a trio of titles with a strong connection to anime, starting with Accel World Vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight before moving on to the much-anticipated Valkyria Revolution, and finally finishing with God Wars: Future Past - a tactical JRPG that takes a lot of inspiration from the Kojiki and other parts of Japanese folklore. Next time out we'll return to being a video games podcast, possibly. Until then, don't play anything we wouldn't play. Support us on Patreon! - #Podcast #TheGeekShow #Anime #VideoGames #Nintendo #Reviews #PressX #Arms #NISAmerica #RPG #JRPG #Fighting #SwordArtOnline #AccelWorld #GodWars #MilleniumTwilight #ValkyriaRevolution #