Aisling Dream Interpretation

#329: Keys to Effective Therapy: How Dreams Decide Which Parent to Prioritize



Many times, we get asked the question, "Why, Oh Why am I working on mom when all the issues I have are with my dad?" Or vice versa. Why am I working on dad when mom was the bane of my life. Well, there is an important order. You can now watch our monthly interactive Aisling Dream Clinic at   If you want your dream analyzed on our show, you can submit it at  And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.  Dream: Train Encounter This dream shows that working on mom is essential before the dreamer can embrace her masculine side. Dream: Making out with my ex Going to bed, Tracy asked what gifts she has. This is the dream she got in response. Dream: Glitch Susan has problems with her phone messaging app. Dream: The Evil Cloak Lucy manages to keep her anger under wraps! Dream: What have I done? A gruesome dream shows the origin of Lucy’s issues.     Show Archives