The Korea Society

Behind the Headlines: Human Rights and Human Stories in North Korea



June 15, 2023 - What’s really happening in North Korea right now? The regime’s pandemic border closures have left diplomats and aid workers outside the country, making it even more difficult than normal for the outside world to understand the Kim regime’s decision making and the daily lives of ordinary North Korean people. Join us for a discussion that goes behind the headlines to explore human rights and human stories in North Korea, with four renowned experts at the front lines of journalism and advocacy. Hear from: Eiji Han Shimizu, Director of the animated movie True North, Kim Young Hwan, Senior Researcher of NK Net, Ishimaru Jiro, Director of Asia Press Osaka, Eun Kyoung Kwon, Director, NK Net. This program is moderated by Korea Society policy director Jonathan Corrado. For more information, please visit the link below: