Saving With Silverman

Who Needs a Financial Advisor? (And Who Doesn’t)



Not everyone needs a financial advisor right away, but some people desperately do. Unfortunately, people can have a hard time understanding which category they fall into. We’ve met with many different clients over the years. During those discussions, we’ve been able to tell who urgently needs our help, who simply needs a little guidance, and who thinks they have it all figured out. Listen to today’s show and find out what financial help you might need at different life stages, as Mark shares some first-hand insights on the benefits of financial planning.    On today’s show, we’ll share: Someone who thinks they don’t need an advisor, but they really do. (2:15) Someone who thinks they need an advisor, but they really don’t. (3:35) Someone who needs financial planning help but not necessarily investing help. (5:26)   Want to get in touch with Mark?  Web: Email: Phone: 520.512.8832 520.618.5323