Soultalk With Kute Blackson

292: How to Find Freedom Regardless of Circumstances



Get ready to embark on a thought-provoking journey as we delve into the captivating concept of real freedom and uncover its profound meaning.  Today we challenge the notion that freedom simply equates to doing whatever you please whenever you want. Are you ready to explore the depths and discover that true freedom extends far beyond external circumstances? Let’s take a moment to reflect on the individuals blessed with seemingly boundless health and the freedom to pursue their desires, only to find them shackled by stress, fear, and insecurity. Their experiences serve as a powerful reminder that true freedom cannot be found in the external trappings of life. And suppressed emotions and unresolved experiences accumulate within you, hiding your ability to experience true freedom? You must delve into the idea that your conditioning and unconscious programming limit our freedom, I invite you to reflect on your past relationship and question yourself whether you made the choices from a place of true freedom or unco