David Hathaway

The reward for faithfulness / 1 Timothy Bible Study (Part 8)



There is a reward for faithfulness, both in this life, and in eternity. Interestingly, Paul teaches in 1 Timothy 5:23, that we must be careful with our health. Yes, Paul teaches about miracles of healing; Timothy is taught to believe for miracles; yet, Paul is indicating that we all have a responsibility to look after our health, he seems to suggest that there are weaknesses and sicknesses in our bodies, so we must be careful in what we eat and drink. Then Paul goes on to say, “The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of Judgement ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.” This is a warning to all of us that we must all appear at the Judgement Seat of Christ - the sinner and the saint - all must give an account of what we have done. For sin, this means punishment. But blessing and reward for those of us who have been faithful in service. What Paul is saying is, whether sin is obvious now, or only recognised later, everything we do is recorded in advance in Heaven. Similarly, v25, even i