Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Erin Marcus, Embracing Authenticity As An Entrepreneur And Leader, Episode 303



One of the things I've discovered over all of the years of working with hundreds of clients and talking with hundreds of guests here on Extraordinary Women Radio, and frankly, experiencing the same evolution in my own business, is that oftentimes the breakthroughs in our businesses occur with the slightest of tweaks. Sometimes it's connecting more deeply into your customer journey. I love to help my clients analyze if all the pillars are in place in their business. To say what we need to shift, what's missing, to turn up the dial where it's needed, to make the adjustments. It's not about working harder but working smarter. It's about building our businesses around the relationships with our clients' journey and showing up to support them through that space. It's about dancing with the strategies and dancing with our soul wisdom. It's a mixture of both sides of this. Today, I am thrilled to introduce Erin Marcus. We are so aligned in our thinking that I invited her as a guest to share her wisdom with you. We