Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Hearts of Fire - Series II. Episode III - "Rebel Rumble"



"17 Eocasta, 1136 EV. It's the start of Tarot Madness as all manner of new friends, foes, and inconveniences begin to pour out of the woodwork (& Forest)! Our session III was cut short by even more chaos as ESP's local ISP cut the power to the studio, causing even more chaos! (Thus, the shorter session). However, arrows, boulders, and webs begin to fly as chaos erupts on the Heartswood Rd.!" SOURCEBOOKS: Featuring: MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare and Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim MCDM: Kingdoms & Warfare: MUSIC: Intro Music: Metal (Royalty Free Music) - "AURORA" by DEgITx