Storytelling With Seth

Talking OPSEC, ASAP Imagination, and Scary Dolls with Nemesis — #110



DW Howard (Nemesis) is the third member of the team building the connected universe of ASAP Imagination. I was introduced to the concept by L.A. Cunningham during a discussion about her book BABIES WITH RABIES. Then I spoke with HAYDES who explained how he founded ASAP Imagination and began collaborating with Nemesis and L.A. This time around, Nemesis takes me through the story of OPSEC, the, well- I'll let him explain all of that. There are also teases about Level 8, and the upcoming novel The Long Game. Is there more? Sure... so press play and hear it all! About DW Howard - Taken from his website D.W. Howard is a poet, writer, and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game.  He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers.  Besides novels and short stories, he writes for UK-based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC.  D.W. is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.  He lives and works out of h