Walk It Out With Tricia Goyer

Seizing the Good Life with Shellie Rushing Tomlinson



Shellie Rushing Tomlinson is an award-winning author and humorist, a popular blogger and speaker, host of the The Story Table podcast and co-host of Rocking it Grand. Her titles include Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On, and Finding Deep and Wide. She and her husband Phil live and farm in Lake Providence, Louisiana. They have two happily married kids and six grandchildren. Connect with Shellie on her website, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. More about Seizing the Good Life: Living on high alert drains your energy and steals your joy. There is a better way and Seizing the Good Life will help you find it as it takes you through the Gospel of John. If our chaotic culture has left you drained of joy, here’s some good news: there is a way to get it back—and keep it. Let’s face it. Joy is becoming as scarce in our culture as fresh eggs at the grocery store. Constant headlines about one catastrophe after another, along with living in a society bent on erasing God from our consciousness, can leave us stres