Sunday Messages

A Biblical Understanding of the Holy Spirit



Peter was a Jew among Jews, with an understanding of being a follower of Christ only from his experience with Christ. In this section of scripture, he is confronted by other Jewish followers of Christ because of his interactions with the Gentiles. Peter relays to the apostles and brethren exactly what the Holy Spirit revealed to him, which is that Christ's salvation came to both the Jew and the Gentile. Pastor David reveals 5 boundaries that allow us to be fully open to the Holy Spirit: 1) The Holy Spirit will never do anything that violates the Word of God; 2) The Holy Spirit will never do anything inconsistent with the nature of Christ; 3)The Holy Spirit will only and always testify, point to, and glorify Jesus; 4)When the Holy Spirit is operating through a person's life, he or she will practice self-control; 5)When the Holy Spirit is at work, He does all things decently and in order.