Ltb Podcast

#399 Connor Heffernan: The History of Weight Training



  Looking for a new protein about one made of… fish?!    Welcome to an intriguing journey through the annals of the fitness industry.    We delve into the genesis of progressive weight training, examine how popular exercises have transformed over the last century, and explore why understanding the past 100 years could be key to flourishing in the next five.    This conversation was truly eye-opening. It's all too easy to be swept up by the "Next big thing" without recognising that, in fact, a variant of it has probably already come and gone several times over. It serves as a good reminder that by studying the past, we can not only understand the present but also predict… and prepare for the future trends of the fitness industry.  Timestamps: 2:37- Fake Statues and Fitness Lawsuits  5:06- Fish Protein Shakes  6:50- Shady Supplements: Flushing Niacin   7:30- Exercise which have fallen out of fashion  9:50- History of the Treadmill  12:52- Should PT’s care about the history