Building A Better Dave

Spiking Like a Mother



I've started using a Continous Glucose Monitor (or as the cool kids call it a CGM) from Signos. It's pretty amazing and the thing I love about it is if I put in my food into the app before I eat it, it will warn me, "Hey, you better exercise for 20 minutes when you finish eating THAT."  So I do, and I watch my blood glucose stabilize.  Grapes are out. Like, never again. Which is a bummer, as I love grapes. FRONT OF MIND The one thing this does is it helps you keep your health in front of you. I am constantly looking at it to see where I am. As I started to record this, I hit a spike, so I'll be going for a walk.  IF ONLY Wouldn't it be great if there was some sort of warning for real life, "Hey, I'm going on a date with HER, and the app would go, "OK, but you're going to lose a house to her in a divorce in 11 years..."