Adhd Essentials

Episode 250: OCD in the Family



This is the 250th episode of the ADHD Essentials Podcast. For those of you who have been wondering why the show has been inconsistent for the last little while, this is your answer.  I hope you find meaning and comfort in our story.   In today’s episode, my family and I share the mental health struggles that have affected our lives over the past four years, as well as the things we did to address, and eventually, overcome them.  This episode is mainly about my son Nathan’s struggle with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but the lessons hiding inside it related to compassion, family, and perseverance apply to all mental health challenges, ADHD included.   A few notes:  I did not propose the idea.  My kids did.  They wanted to do this for the 250th episode.   Also, we talk pretty frankly about Nate’s OCD, and even joke about some of the events it caused.  None of that was done with resentment or ill will.  The entire conversation was based in love and acceptance.  If anyone, especially Nate, had appeared u