Starseed Radio Academy

The Inspiring Survival of Dr. Dawn



Dr. Dawn has turned trauma into victory several times over, not only for herself, but for her patients.  She is the living proof that miracles are within your grasp, and her story inspired me so much that we wanted to share it with our audience.  She has recovered from congestive heart failure, Stage IV cancer, the death of her husband, a heart transplant and mastectomy.  She's the only person in the world who has run in a marathon one year after heart transplant.  Her energy and joyful nature is palpable, and she has transcended so many challenges, setting the example for the rest of us, and teaching others how to find that within themselves.  If you'd like to contact her, please email me and I will forward to her:  arielle (at) starseedhotline (dot) com Due to powerful storms and power outages in her area, Anastasia's Starseed News won't be on tonight.