Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP416 Arming Our Minds with Dr. John Lott



Our guest today is Dr. John Lott. Dr. Lott is the President of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), which is a research and education organization dedicated to providing an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership as well as policing activities. He is a world-recognized expert on guns and crime and the author of a number of books including "More Guns, Less Crime" and his latest "The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies". 1) People who want more legal restrictions on Responsibly Armed Citizens have been peddling the phrase “Guns are the leading cause of death in children”. You recently posted some research results that show that to be a false claim. Let’s dig into the reasons why that is false. - Some reports use stats for ages 3-24 - there is a spike in the ages of 15-16 and particularly for black males - reports use all deaths involving firearms (including suicides and justifiable self-defense homicides) 2) We all want to save live