Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.6- Stones To Remember



As humans, we are prone to forget the goodness of our Lord, especially in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The reality is that we all need reminders of God's faithfulness to keep our faith anchored and our hearts filled with gratitude. Luckily, God knows this about us and has given us various ways to experience His presence and build monuments of remembrance. One remarkable example of this is the story of Joshua and his use of stones to build a physical monument of God's faithfulness. Beyond that, God has also given us the gift of living stones, His people, to be a testament to His grace and love. As we continue on in our journey of faith, it is crucial to teach and share with future generations the stories of God's faithfulness, so that they too may experience His unforgettable presence in their lives.