Rune Soup

Astrological Forecast H2 2023 | Austin Coppock



Can you believe it’s been six months since Austinmas??? Anyway, it has. A very big thank you to those who joined us on the live stream this weekend -and for all the birthday wishes. During the show, Austin and I Looked back over what hit and what didn’t these past six months. Explored some of the wider contexts of Pluto in Aquarius and what it has to do with Uranus. Tabled some scenarios for current events in Eastern Europe. Looked at the forecast for the rest of this year. Unpacked, in particular, the upcoming Venus Retrograde and how we can be with that on an individual and collective level. Answered some fun questions from the live chat at the end. Named several peacocks. You can, of course, listen to this audio version or you can watch along on YouTube below. Because it is a live show I put some slides together but, as always, they are not in the least bit necessary. (This is my long-running performance piece about how that is true of all slides in every professional setting anywhere.) Either way, enjoy