The Nick Margerrison Podcast

Brent Lee, "ex-conspiracist" | The Cult Of Nick SERIES #23



Brent Lee has recently featured on the BBC as an "ex-conspiracist". He joins us on The Cult Of Nick to have a chat about how and why his world view flipped. -- Brent's excellent podcat can be found here:  Some Dare Call It Conspiracy (Spotify link): And his "sometimes I'm a bit of a dick" Twitter account is here: -- Boom - we're back. Does anyone care? Lets find out as we crank up The C.O.N. for one last final series, maybe. -- It'll be a once a fortnight affair this time. We've got some stuff in the can which I'm going to use along with a few new bits we'll make along the way. I got sick during COVID, not of actual COVID but of the way the discussions were going. My answer to it all was the breatharian guy. Notice that didn't get a health warning!? Wow. He was telling people to stare into the sun and only eat fast food. I mean, enough said.