The Sonya Looney Show

Embracing Change and Prioritizing Self-Care with Corporate Wellness Expert Kristel Bauer



Kristel Bauer is a former clinician turned wellness expert, speaker, and podcast host. Kristel joins us to share her powerful insights on corporate wellness, leadership, mindset, performance, personal development, and success. Together, we uncover the connection between individual priorities and overall well-being, and how the health of its employees impacts the workplace. She’s the host of the Live Greatly Podcast and founder of a company under the same name, which she created to help companies and organizations create and enjoy vibrant company cultures. Kristel’s experience in Integrative Psychiatry and Integrative Medicine offer her a unique perspective to team building, mental well-being, helping people unlock high power habits and peak performance. In this eye-opening episode, we delve into Kristel's path from being a Physician Assistant to a wellness expert and the big life changes that shifted her perspective. We discuss the importance of embracing a mindset shift around self-care and the challenges