Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Money Thoughts for Female Entrepreneurs | E115



When it comes to releasing and detoxing, money can be a huge issue. Some people have a great relationship with their finances, others a horrible one, and I would say the majority of us fall somewhere in the middle. For myself, I discovered I had unknowingly harbored a lot of toxicity about finances. When I would think about my connotations regarding money, my thoughts and feelings appeared pretty on the surface… but they really weren’t. In this episode, I open up about my own money detoxing. Through the process, I learned I was believing some things about myself and my finances that weren’t as freeing as I’d thought them to be. I hope by sharing my experience, I can help you recognize and release any of your own toxic thoughts and beliefs. “We make money because we step into a different version of ourselves and that version attracts more abundance, more wealth… Transformation generates wealth.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Why I hated selling my abilities Contribution versus credit Ingrained scarcity Va