Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

The Problem With the "C-Word" in Podcasting



I have a confession to make and that is that I have a problem. There is a word that I have started using. I have adopted it into my language, into my vocabulary, and I am very disturbed and ashamed, and it’s not a word that I wanna be using ever, or at least not as much as I have been as of late. And that is, well, if you looked at the title of the episode, you already know it’s the “c-word.” I serve business owners, thought leaders, and organization directors in their respective niches to use the medium of podcasting towards whatever their higher purpose or goal is. But this whole media landscape is getting more competitive day by day.  You CAN use this platform to create genuine, intimate, meaningful conversations with your listeners. You are creating meaningful change in their life. You are providing them something that they don’t get anywhere else. However, they need to be able to find you, and once they find you, you need to be able to capture and hold their attention long enough to build the relationshi