Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Spiritual Journey of an Elder with Emil Toth



Dr. Jeanette welcomes Emil Toth, author of Walk with Me - - - In Swamps, On Savannas Up Mountains To God, to share his life challenges and triumphs in finding God.Our spiritual journey; how are we walking through our life, who are we being partnered with, and what is our journey all about? Is life about learning who we are as humans and spiritual beings? Are we asking what is this world about through God, source, energy, and the breath of life as we live on? Where is the guidance coming from and who is sending us information? Can we trust what we hear, see, and know through our mind, consciousness, and heart?How have you lived your life through the times of feeling like an outcast or troublesome person? Now, we are here to open up, share our stories, clear ancestral struggles, and heal souls through lifetimes. Time to step into service and become the lightworker you came here to be in a life of service.There is a much deeper level of knowing this human lifetime around and Emil shares the pebbles on his pat