Lyles Movie Files

Ep. 12 - Who Cares About Oscar Nominations and Great & Awful Sequels



The 2018 Oscars nominations were revealed this week. Prepare to be shocked by how many of the contenders the guys have seen...or even want to see despite their high acclaim. Chief shares why he could care less about the Oscars or the BET Awards. We break down the CW's wacky week from Supergirl's Y Chromosome problems, The Flash hanging with Goldberg while Killer Frost and Cisco suddenly became inept heroes, a spark of hope with Arrow's return and why Black Lightning may already be the CW's best superhero show. Then the gang breaks down sequels that tarnished the good name of the original and those that made us appreciate the original even more. It's a packed show. Grab your headphones and get ready for another crazy ride!