Running Commentary

A Journey Of 26.2 Miles Begins With The First Step



Paul and Rob take advantage of a brief break in January's demoralising weather to take a turn round Finsbury Park. Featuring new shorts, Paul's Daughter's 10k, Rob's first parkrun of the year, that second-week-of-January feeling, new year, new projects, and a deep-ish dive into the early days of marathon training.Thanks again to everyone who was so generous to us through the Acast Supporter button over Christmas - and thank you for sharing your running life with us on line; what a lovely bunch of people you are.Rob's book Running Tracks is available here: you can get Paul’s award-winning 26.2 Miles to Happiness here: this show Thanks for listening - we'll be back next week, and if you're desperate in the meantime, subscribe and become a Fan - there are hundreds of old episodes you can