5 Smooth Stones

The Chronicles of Seth Turner: Over 300 personal friends honored



Today, Sunday, starts a series called "The Chronicles of Seth Turner," where he shares key people, places, and things that have personally blessed him immensely over the years. He kicks off this series by honoring over the next few weeks 300 key friendships throughout his life—individuals who influence him for the very best. Tune in this eat 8 p.m. CST, June 25, 2023. Seth is the founder of the Five Smooth Stones NTWK on BlogTalkRadio. Seth has been educating everyone in his path about the fact that African Americans are one of the once-lost tribes of Israel. Seth has shared this revelation oftentimes in his travels to the 24 countries he has visited. Seth began with a Bible study he conducted when he would often fly to ORU in Tulsa around 1990. After moving to Cincinnati, OH, in 1991, you could hear him nearly daily over the then-WCVG gospel radio station sharing tidbits in his many exchanges with Tracie Hunter (Judge Tracie Hunter). After moving back to Texas in 2008, Seth started the blog "The Five Smooth