Minorities In Publishing

Episode 126: Interview with Publicity & Outreach at Candlewick Books!



[This interview was conducted online so there may be some audio variation.] Jenn speaks with Candlewick publicity manager Jamie Tan (a 2020 PW StarWatch honoree and CBC Diversity Achievement Awardee) and former Candlewick outreach manager Ally Russell (whose debut middle grade It Comes From Trees pubs in 2024). They discuss working outside of NYC in the publishing industry and the reality of what hybrid work has looked like for their positions, what drew them to the industry and keeps them in publishing, in addition to the added emotional labor BIPOC take on in speaking up about issues in the workplace.  [Transcript of this episode can be found on Tumblr. You can sign up for the MiP monthly newsletter with job listings, guest news, and new eps here.]