Help For Hashimotos Podcast

What to eat for a healthy gut



Gut bacteria and your gut microbiome is talked about a lot these days. Gut bacteria changes daily based on what you are eating because what you eat feeds the bacteria in your gut.  These bacteria affect not only our immune system but our central nervous system and how your appetite is controlled. They affect your blood sugar, your parasympathetic and sympathetic drive as well.  Gut function and the bacteria in your gut are pretty important.  Having a diverse microbiome, a variety of bugs, helps us achieve better health  When you hit menopause (this is important for all women to know because all women will eventually hit menopause) your risk factors of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. increase significantly.  You can see a decrease in fine motor skills, cognition, increased depression and anxiety and a greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease.  This is true even if you are physically active.  What is the best way to improve your gut bacteria?  It is NOT a probiotic.    Do