Paesta Podcasts

What is the role of water at a nuclear power plant? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 31



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hello my name is Duane Belgrave, Jr and I am thankful to be a part of the PAESTA Podcast Series. I am also here to answer a very important question: what is the role of water at a nuclear power plant?  When we hear the words ‘nuclear power plant’, our minds tend to automatically think about glowing radioactive elements and dramatic nuclear meltdowns. This is not a wrong thing to think about, as these two things actually do apply--well, hopefully not the nuclear meltdown part. Moving on, many people are unaware of how water plays a large role in the production of nuclear energy--in fact, the process would cease to function apart from the presence of water. Therefore, by the end of this podcast, you will know the role of water in a nuclear power plant. Before understanding the role of water at a nuclear power plant, you need to have a rudimentary knowledge of how nuclear power works--you must know the basics. Most nuclear reactors use an element