Paesta Podcasts

How do snowflakes form? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 24



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hi. My name is Amber Smith. I am 20 years old, and a junior at Penn State Brandywine.  Throughout this podcast, I will be explaining to you today about snowflakes and how they form into unique designs every winter. Sometimes we don’t take the time to stop and think about these things. Usually when we hear the word “snow” we think of numerous things. One being “will we have school?” or “Are the roads bad?” What if once in a while we stopped to think and ponder?  Imagine this. You are sitting in a coffee shop looking out of the window in late December. It is one of the coldest days of the year. As you are sipping that hot, refreshing cup of coffee you look outside at the window sill thinking deeply about how beautifully covered it is in white crystal snow. Today's podcast will reflect on something we don’t often think about. Do you ever think about how these snowflakes form? How they stick to these objects that make outside so beautiful when it s