Paesta Podcasts

Why is Earth called the Water Planet? - PAESTA Podcast Series: Episode 21



You Asked, We Answered! Transcript of the podcast Hello everyone, my name is Jenna Federle and today I will be answering the question, why is Earth called the water planet?  Now the Earth is a very watery place but the actual amount of water on, in and even above our planet is hard to come by.  Water covers about 75 percent of the Earths surface, in both liquid and frozen form.  From inside the planets crust to inside the cells of the human body.  Water exists in the air as water vapor and the ground to moisture the soil.  Water is everywhere.  [1] Ninety-six-point-five percent of Earth’s water is the ocean as salt water.  Three-point-five-percent of Earth’s water is fresh water.  The Earth’s freshwater are the lakes and frozen water that is held in glaciers and polar ice caps.  A majority of our freshwater comes from rain falling from the sky and moves into the oceans lakes and rivers.  Oceans are what produce about 70 percent of our oxygen.  It can absorb heat and send it other places around